▪ How often do you meet?

Meetings are held weekly at the Whanganui Community Arts Centre (19 Taupo Quay, riverside entry) from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm. The program runs until the 7th of May 2025.

▪ What is the purpose of the project?

Our project seeks to create a space where people can come together to express solidarity and find comfort through creativity and community. By engaging in the art of embroidery, participants of all ages will have the opportunity to contribute to a collective work that serves as both a tribute and a call for peace. We aim to engage and weave together the rich diversity of our riverside city to build the kind of unity and justice we pray to see one day in Palestine.

▪ What happens with the finished piece?

The project will conclude in an exhibition on the 15th of May 2025 - the anniversary of the 1948 Nakba. This open invitation event will welcome everyone in our community to view the completed tapestry, engage in dialogue and take part in a respectful commemoration and acknowledgement of the present and past suffering of the Palestinian people. After our local exhibition in Whanganui, the tapestry will become a traveling art piece, calling for unity and serving as an inspiration to stand for peace and justice in other communities.

▪ Do I need to bring anything?

All materials and basic guidance is provided.

▪ I don't know how to stitch, can I still attend?

Yes, we have experienced textile artists, who can teach you basic stitches.

▪ Can I come every week?

Yes, in fact it is recommended to attend regularly to benefit from the positive impact of these meetings. Stitching is a time consuming practice. It is best to allow yourself some time in the good company of the other partakers and to complete your flowers.

▪ Is there disabled access?

Yes, there is easy access for everyone.

▪ Can I donate anything?

Yes, we grateful accept embriodery threads, embriodery loops, help promoting of the project.